Play content: 1 kiss, handcuffs, nipple shaving handcuffs, blowjob, pizzle, blowjob, handjob, 2 blowjob, nipple licking, kumni, handman, cixnaine, deep kisses, normal position, riding position, back jog rank, Kunni, back, 3 blowjob, standing back, blowjob, ride-hailing, with 4 restraints on the top, spanking, backstandback, horsechair, normal level, face shooting, cleaning blowjob. There is money to live. And he has created various 'something' to get money. This project is a deep culture documentary that puts your head on a person's wallet vividly and realistically. It is a plan to do something H while interviewing women who are working underground, patience with men (sex) for work and listening to the worries of women who are not satisfied with sexual desire! This time it is close to the day of Mr. Natsuki, "Essay Manager", which is said to be several people in Japan. A man who has sex worries, a manager points out the technique of sex himself !! look at everything.